Aged Care Leaders Industry Breakfast 2021

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How will Federal Budget initiatives underpin the future of Aged Care development in a post Royal commission environment?

Take the opportunity to watch the 2021 Aged Care Leaders Industry breakfast with guest speakers from Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane.

The event will inform Aged Care Boards, CEOs and Property Managers on how the Royal Commission outcomes and Federal budget will shape, transform, and influence new aged care developments and refurbishments.

The event explores how the Federal Budget has responded to the Royal Commission into Aged Care, what the initiatives and funding will mean to the aged care development landscape and how designing for the aged care sector might evolve.

The panel of experts provide industry updates and thought-provoking concepts that will challenge our way of thinking.

Discussions are moderated by Cynthia Payne and include an overview of the RC report and outcomes followed by an expert panel discussion on how ageing sector developers can rise above the challenges and build fit for purpose ageing environments of the future.

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Sydney Speaker – Cynthia Payne

Managing Director Anchor Excellence | Advisory Board Member, Total Construction

With a Clinical Background, Bachelor of Applied Science in Nursing & Masters in Business Administration (MBA), Cynthia brings a new level of diversity to Total Construction. Cynthia is a leader within the Aged Care Sector and has over 25 years of executive level leadership experience and more than 17 years as Director for several For Profit and Not-For-Profit companies.

Her knowledge of governance and oversight in the industry, including the construction and commissioning of several major developments, provides the right leadership direction for Total as we continue to work as quality builders within the Aged Care sector.

Cynthia also plays an active role as mentor, and has been influential in working with and developing Total Construction’s female members.

Sydney Speaker – Stuart Hutcheon

Partner StewartBrown Accounting

Stuart Hutcheon is Lead Partner of the Audit and Assurance division at StewartBrown. Stuart’s 25-year involvement in the aged care, community services and not-for-profit sector has attributed to being recognised as one of the sector’s leading assurance and professional advisors.

He has considerable experience presenting at the sector’s biggest conferences and workshops due to his strong commitment in providing valuable services to clients and in assisting providers with their financial viability and sustainability, to ensure they maintain strong financial health, efficient systems and adhere to strong governance and legislative requirements.

Sydney Speaker – Carlos Oyarce

Relationship Director Aged Care Westpac

Carlos has 23+ years’ experience across Retail, Business, Corporate and Institutional Banking and across various industries. Industry lead for Westpac Commercial Banking across the Aged Care. He is Responsible for delivering financing and investment solutions to aged care operators.

Carlos has a Bachelor of Commerce and is a qualified Certified Practicing Accountant, with CPA Australia.

Melbourne Speaker – Rulla Asmar

Principal Marchese Partners

Rulla’s project experience spans the Seniors Living, Aged Care, Multi-Unit Residential, Hospitality and Education sectors including 15 years experience designing high-end quality environments, in architecture and interior design.

Rulla is passionate about designed environments that promote mixed programs, so that a community can foster and grow simultaneously. She is guided by a design narrative that empowers people of all ages and one that enlivens the community so that they feel engaged with a sense of purpose and validation.

As a key member of the Marchese Seniors Living and Age Care leadership team – Rulla drives a strong collaborative process so that new and tested design solutions are transferred and shared with the industry.

Melbourne Speaker – Tieran Kimber

Principal Marchese Partners

Tieran is a passionate architect with over 20 years experience. He has a core skillset built around corporate and client leadership. He has experience across a range of typologies including, Retirement Living, Aged Care, Residential, Commercial and Community projects.

In particular, he has forged a significant national profile as a Seniors Living design and thought leader.

Tieran has been involved in some of the most innovative Independent Living projects in Australia. Tieran enjoys taking stakeholder cohorts on a journey through the design process. This creates strong client ownership and empowers the end users to fully engage with their built environment.

He believes that understanding and embedding the client vision in all key design decisions will result in a successful project. People are the focus of his design philosophies. He seeks to create environments to enrich people’s lives through their daily tasks

Brisbane Speaker – Andrew Masters

Managing Director Bickerton Masters

Since founding Bickerton Masters in 1997 with Peter Bickerton, Andrew has been instrumental in the success of hundreds of projects contributing particular expertise to the master planning, strategic planning, design and documentation of health, aged care and other community projects.

His logical, efficient and forward-thinking designs are renowned in the health and aged care communities and he has presented papers at local and international conferences.


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